Aaron Mills

Aaron, you're a whirlwind of positivity when we have hung out. Give us the insight to who you are for the readers.
Hello world who will be reading this! My name's Aaron , I'm a model based in Sheffield, familiar with different styles such as streetwear, urban, ecom, boudoir and always looking to expand my range, and have been modelling constantly for 3 years this year! I'm also a 4x award winning coffee roaster!
You seem to be an alternative style chameleon. How would you describe your look and how have you created it?
Well I wouldn't put any kind of a label on my style. I try and build outfits based on colour matching, accented items with similar themes and I love all colours of garments, so it's easy for me to create a look.
I've probably had a phase of every alternative look there is since I was around 11 years old, and this is what I've built my style from. I completely agree with you, today I feel more of a chameleon alternative where I can change and adapt to suit a certain mood or style for a photoshoot, which reflects into my day to day style at home.
Who are your style icons/influences?
Only one name comes to mind, as personally for me I prefer to not 'copy and paste' others styles I like to think outside the box for myself, however Richard Davies who created the brand Abandon Ship Apparel has always been my idol since day one of the brand. He resonates with my soul. His style and outfits are what inspires me to dress out of the norm, but with a stylish day to day look. I finally had the pleasure to meet him in person in 2021, they say don't meet your heroes, but it was the most heart warming experiences I've ever had.
You've become known for your bold hair colours and cuts. What inspires your choice in hair design/colour?
My brain never stops when it comes to creativity and developing myself inside and out, I live for bright crazy colours (although I do also wear a lot of black, but that's where I add the accented colours) so when it comes to choosing a new design or colour, I try to make it different from the last, or try to evolve a previous style I've had before. A little insight I want to bring my mullet back soon, and I'm going for a teal/purple combo next.
What is your favourite item of clothing that you couldn't live without?
A watch, I always wear some kind of watch everyday, and I love my specialist watches I shoot with, on that note I would love to shoot more watch brands this year!
What 5 Instagram accounts keep you inspired in life?
Apart from Volstead...
My boy tom (ghxst_facee)
My boy Axdamskiss
Rumours are, you make a mean coffee. How should we be ordering ours?
The rumours are indeed true, and that all depends on what you like. For me a nice simple oat Flat White goes down a treat, or a Picallo for a quick on the go. However I do love black coffee just as much, a black natural processed v60/filter coffee is my first choice, fruity, juicy, nice bit of acidity and leaves me always wanting a second cup
What did you want to be when you were younger?
A musician. I wanted to be touring the world by now, but unfortunately after 6 years in a band, when I was 15 it unfortunately disbanded. However I have some extremely big things in the works musically with some incredibly talented guys, so it's gonna be a dream to get behind my kit again.
What is your life motto?
It is what it is, there's no point dwelling on things you can't change.
Name your favourite Volstead pieces.
My favourite pieces I own are the Volstead Skull Ring and the Hold Fast Ring.
My next pieces I'm extremely interested in are The Family Ring, Swash Buckle Ring and Blind Tiger Signet Ring.
Where's your favourite place to hang out and relax?
Anywhere with good vibes and good people, have to shout out Firepit Rocks in Sheffield for the great atmosphere. And Terrace Goods in Sheffield for the incredible food!
Have you got any party tricks?
Oh dear there's a throwback, I have one, and it's that I can down a bottle of red wine in a minute, however both times have not ended well at all and I'll leave it there!
Who was the last person to send you a text?
My friend Lewis
Tell us about your favourite hobbies.
Well funny you should say. Modelling was my main hobby, but now id say it's a part of my day to day. I love gaming, and I read a lot of manga, currently reading Tokyo Revengers and Chainsaw Man.
Have they influenced your style at all?
Well the past few months I've really started to want to branch out more of the techwear anime style clothing, as I feel my body type suits that style quite well.
You've just released a clothing line as part of a collaboration. Tell us about that & how it come to be.
So I was on the Doom and Gloom podcast, and the Brand Social podcast, and on both I mentioned I'd love to do a collab tee/line. And as a couple of friends said to me I looked like the tattooed version of Ned Flanders, I wanted to do a funny tee with myself as Ned Flanders.
I've always struggled with my mental health since the age of 14, and last year was probably my darkest. I can't put into words the pain I went through. And as well as losing dear friends to mental health I have always been a big advocate for mental health. I was then introduced to a men's mental health charity Andy's Man Club, when I had no where to turn I went to my first meeting, they helped me so much to be able to talk to me who are also going through the same pain if felt for 90% of my life.
At the same time I shot for a mental health clothing line called Old Eltons clothing. Myself and Jack (the owner) became incredible friends and at the time he'd mentioned he'd hit a wall in terms of designs, which is when I mentioned my idea. After going back and forth for a couple of months we wanted to also give back to the services that are available to us, so we decided to donate 50% of the profits of this line to Andy's Man Club. Pre orders might be over by the time this interview publishes but we're going to try and keep this line going. Without the support of family, friends and the brands I work with keeping my head up I wouldn't be here today so I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who's ever reached out or supported what I do.
You're really heavily tattooed. Who’s your favourite artist at the moment and what draws you to their style?
I have 3 main styles of tattoos, neo traditional, dark horror and realism. Bright colours or intense horror is what draws me to artists.
A few I highly recommend are:
Joe Frost (hellomynameisjoe)
Hannah (handling.tattoo)
Toby Burr (tubbybeartattoo)
Jordan Croke (jordancroketattoo)
Dave (davezedtattoo)
What was the best part of 2023 so far?
Releasing my collab clothing
Becoming an official creator for Impericon
Visiting Glasgow for the first time
Have you got anything exciting planned for the future?
Who knows, I'm always looking to do more things and I have a nice list of new brands I'm shooting for, as well as potentially starting to do shows with my new band this summer
Tea or coffee?
Coffee from wake up till around 3pm. Tea for the rest of the day
Aaron's Instagram: @ohmmydays
Photography: Michael Barnes
Shop Volstead with Aaron's code for 15% off. Use code "Ohmmydays"
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